About Us

Stoddard County Ambulance District is an advanced life support ambulance service located in Stoddard County, MO about 3 hours south of St. Louis. The district was formed in 1975 by voter approval of the citizens of Stoddard County. Stoddard County Ambulance District is governed by a six (6) member board of directors that are elected from the six (6) sub-districts within Stoddard County with each member serving three (3) year terms. There are two spots that come up for re-election each year in April.
Stoddard County is one of the largest counties in the state of Missouri covering 829 square miles. We log approxamently 6,500 calls for service a year. We are also contracted through our 911 services in the county to be the answering point for all 911 calls for the county.
The district consists of 4 stations throughout the county with 10 ambulances, a mass transport bus, two supervisor vehicles and numerous disaster assets.